Law Firm of Roger 'Rocky' Walton, P.C.

Falls Resulting in Wrongful Death

Mar 19, 2022 @ 01:16 AM — by Rocky Walton
Tagged with: Falls And Wrongful Death

Year after year, slips and falls are among the most common accidents in the United States. Slips and falls may occur for a variety of reasons, including wet or slippery floors, uneven pavement, or unmarked obstacles/debris. Whatever the cause, slips and falls can have catastrophic, or even deadly, consequences.

When a fall results in wrongful death, surviving loved ones may suffer substantial emotional and financial damages. Family members can hold liable parties accountable for these types of damages by filing a wrongful death lawsuit. Wrongful death lawyer Roger “Rocky” Walton works with individuals in Arlington, TX, and surrounding areas to pursue maximum compensation for the full extent of their losses.

Dangers of Slip and Fall Accidents

Everyone slips, loses their footing, or falls now again. Fortunately, many people can experience a fall without suffering any injuries, or without any life-threatening injuries. However, much more often than most people realize, falls lead to catastrophic or fatal injuries. The reason that falls tend to be so dangerous is that many people strike their head against the ground when they fall. Slip and fall accidents can result in head and neck injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or traumatic spinal cord injuries, all of which put a person’s life in danger.

Components of a Wrongful Death Case

In the tragic event that a fall does result in wrongful death, descendants of the deceased may be able to pursue financial compensation for damages through a wrongful death lawsuit. For a wrongful death lawsuit to be filed, another person or party must be liable for the fall that led to the individual’s death. Since premises liability law holds property owners accountable for maintaining a reasonably safe environment for guests and patrons, the property owner where the accident occurred can usually be held liable for falls and any related damages.

Even if someone is responsible for a slip or fall, proving that in court can be complicated, which is why it is so important to work with a knowledgeable wrongful death attorney. Rocky Walton works alongside experts in the field to gather the evidence necessary to prove the key components of a wrongful death claim:

Damages for Falls Resulting in Wrongful Death 

When a wrongful death claim is found in the favor of our Arlington clients, loved ones have the right to pursue compensation for their own losses, as well as any damages suffered by the deceased before their death. Potential areas of compensation include:

Contact Our Arlington Office

If you have lost a loved one as the result of a slip or fall accident, wrongful death attorney Roger “Rocky” Walton can review your case to determine if there is grounds for a wrongful death claim. To get the process started, send us a message online, or call (817) 429-4299 and request a personal consultation.